Mensajes (for a translation click on the links above)
Antonio Skármeta at Rollins College
Chilean novelist, screenwriter and diplomat whose novel Ardiente paciencia was adapted for the screen twice, including in 1995 for the Italian film Il Postino (The Postman).
Event Details
February 3, 2016, 6:15 p.m.
Screening of No (based on Skármeta’s play, The Referendum) with author introduction and post-screening Q&A
Enzian Theater
Vist No Website & Watch Trailer
Tickets are free and can be obtained in the English Department office on the first floor of Carnegie Hall. Contact Jessica Love in the English Department for more information.
February 4, 2016, 4:00 p.m.
Antonio Skármeta: Master Class
Bush Auditorium
February 4, 2016, 7:30 p.m.
Antonio Skármeta: Reading, On-stage Interview, and Signing
Bush Auditorium
Speaker Bio
A Chilean novelist, screenwriter, and diplomat, Antonio Skármeta was the grandson of Yugoslav immigrants. While attending the University of Santiago, from which he graduated in 1963, he produced plays by Edward Albee, William Saroyan, and Eugene Ionesco with the university’s drama group. He received an MA from Columbia Univeristy in 1966 and published his first book, a collection of short stories titled El entusiasmo(Enthusiasm), in 1967. It was followed in 1969 by Desnudo en el tejado(Naked on the Roof)—which won the Casa de las Américas de la Habana Prize and was the first of his works to be widely distributed—and in 1973 by El ciclista del San Cristóbal (The Rider of San Cristóbal). He finished another collection, Tiro libre (Free Kick), as well as the novel Soñé que la nieve ardía (I Dreamt the Snow Was Burning) while living in Argentina in exile from Chile’s military regime.
In 1975 Skármeta moved to Berlin, where he lived until he returned to Santiago in 1988. During this period he wrote Novios y solitarios(Couples and Singles), No pasó nada (Nothing Happened), and La insurrección (The Insurrection). He followed these with Ardiente paciencia, a novel that tells the story of an extraordinary friendship that develops between the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda living in exile, and his postman. Ardiente paciencia subsequently became Skármeta’s most popular work. It was translated into 20 languages and was adapted for the screen twice—in Ardiente paciencia, for which Skármeta wrote the screenplay and which he directed in 1983 (two years before the manuscript was published in book form), and in the Italian film Il postino(The Postman).
Skármeta’s subsequent books include Match Ball, La boda del poeta (The Poet’s Wedding), and El baile de la victoria (The Dancer and the Thief). He also published Watch Where the Wolf Is Going (1991), a selection of his short stories in English translation; wrote several other film scripts (including the 1998 adaptation of Isabel Allende’s 1987 novel Eva Luna); hosted a successful television program on books; and translated a number of English-language works into Spanish. He served as Chile’s ambassador to Germany from 2000 to 2003.
In 2011, his novel Los dias del arcoiris (The Days of the Rainbow) won the prestigious Premio iberoamericano Planeta-Casa de América de Narrativa. His play El plebiscito, based on the same true incident as this novel, was the basis for the Oscar-nominated film No.
A film for his 2014 novel, A Distant Father, is scheduled for release in February 2016.
In 2014, he was awarded Chile’s National Literature Prize.
Friends of Chile,
On Tuesday April 1, 2014 Chile once again experienced a powerful earthquake and tsunami that followed. This was an underwater earthquake off the coast in North Chile, referred to as a ‘seaquake’ or maremoto in Spanish. There was considerable destruction and six lives were lost as a result. Our heartfelt condolences go out to the families and friends of those lost.
The interest and engagement of concerned nations is valued and appreciated. Even when there is lesser impact, these events cause untold fear and anxiety in the people affected. In this case several of Chile’s neighbors were equally alarmed and these countries all took measures to prevent injury and loss of life by evacuating the coastal areas and more vulnerable structures close to the epicenter.
The solidarity of the world community is a comfort to the Chilean peoples and we thank you for that.
Mariela Griffor
Honorary Consul of Chile in Michigan
_ . _
Amigos de la comunidad Chilena de Michigan:
Los invitamos a participar de un “pot-luck” para celebrar el dia de nuestra Independencia.
FECHA: Sabado 18 de Septiembre, 4 p.m.
LUGAR: Piemontese Club, 38500 W. Nine Mile Rd. in Farmington Hills, (E. ofHaggerty Rd. ,W. of Halstead, N. side of Nine Mile Rd.)Telefono: 248-474-9342
Habrá exquisitas EMPANADAS, como siempre, (Sra. Zahira!) pero se pide a cada familia traer un plato para compartir.
Familias cuyo apellido empiecen con letras A a L, un plato principal, carne, etc. De M a Z , postre, ensalada, etc.
DONACION: Niños, gratis. 12 a 18, $5, adultos $10 por persona. Habrá refrescos, vino, te y café.
Invite a sus familiares y amigos, avísenos antes del Lunes 13 de Sept. para saber cuántos asistirán.
(Envie sus cheques al presidente del club Robinson Zamorano
37590 River Bend, Farmington Hills, MI, 48335 Telef. 248-766-2528)
Si hay compatriotas que estén en una situación difícil por la economía de nuestro estado de Michigan, y por ello no puedan asistir, por favor llamen al Presidente Robinson Zamorano al : 248 766 2528
Los esperamos! Chequeen: Abrazos, y Viva Chile!!
La directiva, Club Chileno de Michigan.
- CLICK TWICE on the image for donation account details!!
Debido al terromoto en Chile se ha creado una Website que se puede visitar en y un correo electronico: y un telefono de emergencia que es (888) 407-4747.
Formas de ayudar: En estos momentos Chile ha pedido a la Comunidad Internacional NO enviar ningún tipo de ayuda por el momento, ya que se quiere evaluar y diagnosticar claramente las necesidades reales. Por lo anterior, le ruego a la Comunidad Chilena, que esperemos un tiempo -de unas dos a tres semanas- para evaluar .
Bienvenidos al sitio Web del Consulado Honorario de Chile en Detroit, Michigan. Es un placer poder introducirlos a las actividades del Consulado y también introducirlos a nuestra participación de nuestro trabajo en diferentes organizaciones como el Consular Corps of Detroit, el Club Chileno de Michigan o las diferentes Cámaras de Comercio de la ciudad de Detroit.
Con invitarlos a conocer este consulado, quisiera mencionar que el propósito del sitio es entregarles información sobre las funciones del Consulado, su ámbito de acción, lo que está en capacidad de hacer y sus principales actividades. El Consulado Honorario de Detroit es un Consulado con permiso para actuar.
La vinculación entre Chile y Estados Unidos que con el tiempo se ha enriquecido a través de los aportes de muchos chilenos, esta relación no es nueva y crece día a día. Esta activa comunidad chilena residente ha contribuido a la construcción de la sociedad multicultural de Estados Unidos y le ha agregado contenido a la relación entre nuestros países.
Hemos incluido aquí información básica para los amigos americanos y extranjeros que tengan planificado o necesitan crear lazos de negocios o investigación con nuestro país.
Como Cónsul Honorario acreditado en esta ciudad en Noviembre de 2007, mi objetivo es trabajar en estrecho contacto con la comunidad chilena residente en la promoción de los valores nacionales y la materialización de los proyectos destinados a reafirmar nuestra identidad y difundir nuestra cultura.
Con la esperanza de profundizar y diversificar nuestra presencia en la sociedad Americana, los invito a hacernos llegar sugerencias y apoyo en esta labor. Nos pueden contactar a través de nuestra Web o en nuestras oficinas ubicada en Grosse Pointe Park, MI.
Saludos Cordiales,
Mariela Griffor,
Cónsul Honorario en Detroit.