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Archive for the 'Anuncios' Category

May / June 2009 – Dept. of State Consular Connection newsletter (PDF download)

Thursday, May 7th, 2009

United States Department of State Chicago Regional Office of Foreign Missions May / June 2009 – Consular Connection newsletter

Saludo de la Presidenta Bachelet, con motivo de Fiestas Patrias dirigido a las comunidades chilenas en el exterior

Thursday, September 18th, 2008

Descargue el Saludo de S.E la Presidenta Michelle Bachelet, con motivo de Fiestas Patrias, dirigido a los chilenos y chilenas residentes en el exterior. VEA EL VIDEO DEL SALUDO DE LA PRESIDENTA BACHELET Descargue saludo Presidenta Bachelet en Fiestas Patrias (10.42 MB) Amigas y amigos, queridos compatriotas que residen fuera de Chile: Es para mí […]

Swedish Chamber of Commerce Reception for new Swedish Ambassador to US!

Wednesday, March 26th, 2008

Detroit’s Chilean Consul attended the reception held in Detroit for the newly appointed Ambassador of Sweden to the United States.

December Market of the Month – Chile!

Sunday, December 23rd, 2007

Chile was named by the US Department of Commerce as December’s Market of the Month! Full article: Excerpt: Why Chile? Chile goes from deserts in the north to the arctic conditions of Tierra del Fuego, and from the majestic Cordillera de Los Andes, with the tallest peak in the Western Hemisphere at 22,000 feet, […]

Patiperros – Rapa Nui, este 14 de diciembre

Thursday, December 6th, 2007

Patiperros Presenta “Rapa Nui” Una mezcla exótica de música, baile y sensualidad Diciembre 14, 2007 7:00 PM 5660 W Grand Ave. Chicago, IL, 60639 Valor: $25.00 (incluye cena, show y bailoteo) Reserve su entrada con anticipación No se venderan entradas en la puerta Estacionamiento gratis frente al local Artistas Invitados: Felipe Figueroa (Pintor) Jose Ibanez […]